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Image by Scott Webb


Businesses: Services
Aftershave bottle with white stripe

Packaging Solutions

Ensuring your product is packaged and distributed in eco-friendly materials is an easy sustainability win.  Researching suitable options and sourcing suppliers is time-consuming and difficult; Engaged Group helps our clients’ identify the best solution quickly and easily.  ​

We can tailor our options to meet your needs, or let us know if you’re looking for something completely different. Contact us for more information on sustainable packaging.

Businesses: Welcome

Sustainable Suppliers

Engaged Group works with hand-picked suppliers who we know offer eco-friendly products and services.  By sourcing your suppliers through us you can be reassured we have already done the hard yards in checking out their credentials and ensuring they meet our sustainability requirements.  

To see our suppliers list join our Facebook Group Engaged Businesses, or contact us for more information on sustainable suppliers.

Energy Efficiency Consultation
Businesses: Welcome
Image by Jilbert Ebrahimi

Sustainability Consulting

Organisations can have an immediate, lasting and positive effect on their environmental footprint and legacy by:

  • Reducing office and manufacturing waste; avoiding the use of once-use products and plastic. 

  • Reducing their carbon footprint by reducing the use of electricity, water, gas and consumables.

  • Educating and influencing employees to become more environmentally aware, both in the workplace and at home. 

  • Acting as a role model for employees and the wider community by adjusting strategy and operations to ensure a focus on environmental impact.

  • Working with the local community to develop and implement sustainability initiatives.  

Engaged Group provides workshops, programs, consultation, assessments, design and project management to help our clients improve their sustainability.

Contact Engaged Group to find out how we can help you improve your sustainability outcomes.

Businesses: Welcome

Diversity & Inclusion Consulting

Engaged Group offers a range of services to help organisations ensure they are truly inclusive and fully support diverse employees:

  • Design and implementation of team, departmental or organisation-wide diversity and inclusion programs.  

  • Development of supporting material for diversity and inclusion special interest groups. 

  • Employee surveys and interviews to identify and understand any issues in the workplace with regards diversity, inclusion and equality.

  • Design and implementation of mentoring programs including mentoring programs specifically for female employees and mentoring-up programs.

  • Review of recruitment policy, procedures, training and supporting documentation to ensure organisations attract and recruit high-quality, diverse employees.

  • Exit interviews: interviews with employees leaving the organisation to identify systemic issues resulting in the loss of diverse employees.

  • Flexible working framework: policy, procedures and associated documentation to establish successful flexible working workplaces. 

Contact Engaged Group to find out how we can help you with your diversity and inclusion goals.  

Diverse Group Cheering
Businesses: Welcome
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