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  • Tailored: All of our clients’ needs are different.  Whether you’re looking to make large, far-reaching changes, or simply run a workshop or seminar, we tailor our approach to fulfil your needs.  You can implement your change or we can do it for you.  Access standard programs or ask us to design a program or solution specific to your needs.  

  • Practical:  Change must be implementable and it must be practical.  Your goal might have you reaching for the stars, but the best way to get there is through small, feasible steps. Engaged Group helps you design and implement those steps.  

  • Example-Based:  Designing a change doesn’t have to be accomplished with a blank canvas.  We provide you with examples and case studies of what others have achieved so you can learn from them and achieve a change that’s right for you.  

  • Supportive: Even well-implemented changes can loose traction.  Engaged Group provides ongoing support through on-site visits, remote guidance and updates on new developments and changing requirements.

About: About Me


Dr Nicole Richardson



Nicole is passionate about creating inclusive organisations that truly support and value diverse employees, whilst offering them equal opportunities.  Having managed a team of 80 mainly female employees, she has an excellent understanding of how to establish and manage a workplace that actively supports all of its employees no matter their work-style, attributes, cultural background and personal commitments.  Nicole has worked with Royal North Shore Hospital designing a mentoring program for female doctors and with Pricewaterhousecoopers designing and implementing a multi-faceted program to support female employees.

Nicole is very much a Reluctant Hippy.  She and her family are at the starting point of their low-waste journey and she therefore has a good understanding of the perceived barriers and difficulties in making changes towards sustainable living.  She has a largely chemical-free home, is focussed on reducing waste and is the proud mother of 13 chickens and the cultivator of an expanding veggie patch, in a move towards partial self-sufficiency.  

Nicole has a PhD in international business, which is the foundation of her research-based approach in helping organisations and individuals achieve change.

Marsha Howe



Marsha has a passion for saving the environment.   Her starting point was cleaning surfaces with baby wipes, chucking everything and anything in the bin and going through one-use plastic with wanton abandon.  She’s still on the low waste journey but she and her family now live a much more conscious life, resulting in their non-recyclable waste amounting to a jam-jar a week, living chemical free and avoiding palm oil at all costs.

Marsha has over 10 years’ experience as an Office Manager for large corporations, during which time she inspired them to reduce both their waste and carbon footprint.  She has introduced workplace initiatives such as fruit and vegetable cooperatives, palm oil free snacks, reduced paper output, waste audits and complete bin systems, to name just a few.  Marsha has studied environmental science and takes a practical, hands-on and empathetic approach to helping others on their low waste journey.  

As a woman born in the UK of Caribbean, Irish & Native American descent Marsha has personal experience of living as part of a minority culture. The mother of both a boy and a girl she is driven to help organisations, schools and communities become more inclusive, more equal and more aware of the benefits and pure joy of diversity.

About: Team Members
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